ONLINE  Academic Sites and Games









Jump Start

adventures, math, and

reading games 




Kid Sites

play online games, read stories,

learn how to say words in Spanish 





Spelling City

input spelling lists for your

child to use for spelling help 




Free Rice

For each answer you get right,  

10 grains of rice is donated through the

World Food Program to help

end hunger. Subjects include

foreign language, math,

science, and vocabulary.



Game Classroom



Playing games and learning

K - 6th grade



Fun Brain

Educational games for kids of all

ages (math, grammar, science,

spelling, and history)






Cool Math 4 Kids

Math games, fun math lessons, flash 

cards and more






IXL Math 

Math practice tool that adapts to student's

individual level and includes achievement 










Sheppard Games

100's of fun educational games

and activities for kids to play online.

Topics include math, geography,

animals, and more.



US Map Puzzle

Learn the states and their capitals with

this fun and educational map 




The leader in educational

computer games.



Capstone Kids

Fun contests, explorations, games and quizzes -

Great site for nonfiction texts!





Turtle Diary

Play educational online games in math,

English and science

Challenge your mind with puzzles and jigsaw games.

(designed for toddlers - fifth grade)






Kids Know It

Songs, videos, and games in 

every subject area

(truly an amazing site)




Cup Stacking

Keyboarding Skills


PBS Kids

This is a great site for kids of all ages

featuring their favorite characters from PBS.




Magic School Bus

There are tons of great videos and games

about the Environment and Science! 

 This is a great website for children who want to

learn about weather, geography and more. 


Random House Kids 

Featuring Books, Activities, Games and more

all surrounding your favorite characters from Random House Books!

This is a great way to make books come alive!




Brain Pop

Learn more with BrainPOP’s animated movies,

games, playful assessments, and activities

covering Science, Math, History, English, and more!





This is a great website for learning how to read.

There are some fun games and more that surround Phonics,

sounds, and putting sounds together in words.

This takes kids from the ABC's to learning to read. 






Highlights for Kids

Highlights for Kids is dedicated to helping kids 

become their best selves. Browse their selection of 

magazines, books and crafts, Hidden pictures, and more!


National Geographic Kids

This is a great site for exploring our world and learning

all you can about the Ocean, Animals, Geography, and more!

There is a ton of information on this site and

also some great videos, puzzles and quizzes!



This is a fun site that allows you to explore

all the things that you have ever wondered about.

You can ask questions, explore topics,

and learn all kinds of fun facts!